Wednesday, July 2, 2014

dear reader,
i'm very sad to inform you this news but Sarge passed away. It's been a about a year and a half, and the reason i never said anything was because when it first happened i was devastated but after a few months i just didn't think about blogging or anything, hahahahaha. Anyways, we waited about six or seven months before my family and I decided to get another puppy. It's actually kind of interesting but out new puppy, who is one year old a few days ago, is Sarge's half brother :3 Cute, rite? Our puppy's name is Duke and he has truly been a blessing to me and my family :] When we first got Duke, he actually went about a week before we gave him a name! I thought that was crazy, but anyways..although i most definitely do miss Sarge, Duke has made up for it [:

Here is the list of "tricks" he can do:

1. sit
2. stay
3. speak
4. come
5. lay down
6. roll over
7. jump
8. go 'round (which is where you say "go 'round" and he will walk in a circle)
9. catch
10. and this one i did NOT  teach him to do but…he will steal something rite out of your hand! Yes, he is a little thief, but I love him.
11. shake
12. fist bump ( yeah, he's a pretty rad dog :3)
13. high five
14. give-me-kiss :*

                                                                            Until I remember to blog again ;] ,
                                                                                     Elizabeth H. D. <3

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sarge's talents:D

Now Sarge can do lots more things then he use to!
1. Sit
2. Lay Down
3. Roll Over
4. Speak
5. Shake
6. High-Five
7. Give-Me-Hugs
8. Give-Me-Kiss
9.Go 'Round
10.Nuckle Touch!!
    Extra random ones:P : Stay Come here, Hide and go seek...:D
Thanks for reading:)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sarge says hey! Now he can sit, lay down, and speak!!!
All thanks to the BEST mom ever! Love you lots mom! ~Liz

Friday, May 4, 2012

Me and my friend played with Sarge today after was SO FUN! Sarge is the best dog in the world!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sarge has been sick today, but as soon as me and my sister came home...he was as wide open as it can get:P!!
He has given me lot's of scratches but it's okay:) Whenever your standing up he is good. Whenever you sit on the floor to his level he's absolutely crazy!:D 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My family and I got my boxer puppy, Sarge from Dundee, Florida. He is only 10 and a half weeks old and I taught him how to "sit" and "lay down". He is VERY energetic and loves everyone:)
He watches T.V. with the family:P!! You are going to love Sarge!!! <3